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Bringing the Tourism 2020 Strategy to Life

Bringing the Tourism 2020 Strategy to Life

The Future of Our Industry is in Our Hands

Tourism is big business for Scotland – bigger than our oil, fishing and whisky industries combined!  However, the global tourism industry is growing and fiercely competitive.

By 2020, it is expected that over 99% of countries in the world will have a tourism product, offering today’s sophisticated visitors a greater choice of destinations than ever before.

If Scotland is to increase its share of this increasingly competitive marketplace, we need to up our game collectively and individually. We need to provide high quality, authentic visitor experiences that appeal to our key markets and make us stand out from the crowd. And we need to combine this with fantastic customer service once visitors arrive in Scotland.

The Tourism Scotland 2020 strategy outlines ambitious plans to grow tourism revenues by £1bn a year. This will benefit businesses throughout Scotland. Put simply, if the value of Scottish tourism increases, that will create new and profitable opportunities for individual businesses.

However, we need your help to achieve this. Each and every one of us within the industry needs to rally round the strategy, embracing its vision, giving it our full support, and taking it forward in our own areas.

The future of the tourism industry really is in our own hands!

Find out how you can improve your bottom line by making improvements to your business and working with others across the industry. At the same time you will be contributing towards the future of the Scottish tourism industry.